10 Tips For Breakfasts With Lean Protein


10 Tips For Breakfasts With Lean Protein

The Florida physicians at Weight Success Centers are celebrating Better Breakfast Month with expert tips for preparing better breakfasts that include plenty of lean protein.

Generally, the best examples of lean protein include seeds, nuts, beans, legumes, low-fat yogurt, egg whites, fresh seafood, skinless chicken, or meat-alternative products. A healthy breakfast loaded with lean proteins can fuel you with energy for a great day, but it can also position you for achieving nutritional excellence, weight-loss success, and overall better health.

Healthy Ways to Ensure Your Breakfast Packs Protein

  1. For a truly “balanced breakfast” that is healthy and filling, feature a serving of lean protein with a combination of vitamin-rich fruits, colorful vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat dairy.
  2. For a quick combo-meal, choose a serving of lean protein with whole grains or oats. For example, enjoy a scrambled egg atop an English muffin, or a serving of walnuts in oatmeal.
  3. For an energizing morning pick-me-up, couple a low-fat dairy with fresh fruits or vegetables. Consider a Greek yogurt topped with antioxidant-rich berries and banana slices to start your day.
  4. If you are in a rush, grab a portable protein, such as a healthy meal replacement bar or meal replacement shake that is low-carb and high-protein. Shop Weight Success Centers for options.
  5. Make room for protein-rich meals by avoiding any low-or-no-protein temptations, such as high-fat pastries, sugary cereals, or donuts. These will weigh you down and will lead you to a sugar crash.
  6. Skip the greasy breakfast foods and frothy beverages at fast-food restaurants and cafes. Instead, scan the menu for healthier options like yogurt, fruits, veggies, or oatmeal. Consider carrying a snack baggie of raw almonds with you to add a protein boost to a restaurant meal if needed.
  7. Add a low-fat or no-fat milk to increase your intake of lean proteins. Many dairy-free alternatives are fortified with vitamins, have fewer calories, and have less fat than cow’s milk. Creamy alternatives include high-protein soy, rice, oat, or almond milk.
  8. Look for vegetarian products with protein like “fakin” bacon or veggie sausage. Delicious imitations are widely available as healthier alternatives to the traditionally high-fat breakfast meats.
  9. Go for gluten-free options with protein, especially if wheat and traditional grains cause you digestive trouble. Consider seeds, beans, legumes, and alternative grains. More specifically, look for lentils, garbanzo beans, amaranth, flax, and sunflower seeds.
  10. Enlist the help of experts to discover protein-rich recipes for weight loss. Weight Success Centers can offer a customized diet plan catering to your protein needs and your unique tastes.

Wonderfully, many plant proteins boast vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber, and other nutrients to help lower risks associated with heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, obesity, and other conditions.  For healthy weight loss, a medically supervised program with meal planning is often the best solution. Weight Success Centers offers food and nutritional recommendations, including advice for a balanced breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks to help you shed excess weight and maintain a healthy metabolism.

How do you like to add lean proteins to your balanced breakfasts? If you are ready to begin your weight-loss journey, contact Weight Success Centers.

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Healthy Eating, Nutrition, Wellness