Hair Restoration

At Tampa Aesthetics we offer a comprehensive hair loss management program. Our systematic approach includes a complete history and examination along with a comprehensive lab workup including hormones, Vitamin D, biotin, thyroid, and other factors that may be contributing to your hair loss or thinning. Hair volume and scalp health are determined using the Haircheck® and Tricholab foto finder. Candidates for hair regeneration are offered the following procedures in combination for the best results.


We use the exclusive pure PRP from the Emcyte system that gives you the highest concentration of platelets and growth factors for best results in stimulating hair regrowth and thickening. PRP can be used in combination with PDO absorbable threads and PRX T-33 to amplify the results.

PRX T-33

Uses painless PRX T-33 formula for scalp treatments prior to PRP to stimulate and activate fibroblasts in the scalp before adding the growth factors with the pure PRP. When used together with PRP and PDO threads, the PRX T-33 helps to significantly augment the overall treatment effect.


Some of the PRP may move out of the areas where it is needed and injected. The tiny PDO absorbable threads are placed in the scalp to help keep the PRP in place as well as further activate the surrounding follicles as the threads absorb.


This is a painless scalp treatment for hair thickening and regrowth. Takes the place of micro-needling the scalp with PRP using the painless and comfortable Jet Peel instead. Patients tolerate this comfortable procedure better than with microneedling and it has no downtime.

Before & After

Real Patient Results